Agriculture Industrial Land for Sale at Savli
Useful for Industrial all purpose, mostly for big industries, Multipurpose use
Nearby Superem Industry, Tata Asal,HNG Glass, Ceat Tyre, TOTO Company,Hero Motor ,Hindustan Motor ,Himgiri Casting . All these companies are located within 5 km of Land
3 km is GAS Station
4 KM is 66 KVA Electricity
2 KM is big Narmada Canal
2.5 Km is Halol GIDC
Vadodara railway station is 40 KM
Airport is 36 KM
NH-8 is at 36 km
Vadodara -Halol Highway is at 5 KM
Land is located at HALOL -SAVLI Main Highway
3 KM is Chapaner Railway Station
We as a Shreeya Real Estate has more than 500+ Lands for Sale across Gujarat . We have lands to cater your minimum to maximum requirement of land ranging from 1 Vigha to 10,000 Acre ..
We deal in buy/ Sell/ lease /Rent /Factory all types of Residential , Commercial , Agriculture , NA Land and building. For any such transactions